Izdelki za oprema za park (47)

Benetkarski Karusel Gc 1400/1p

Benetkarski Karusel Gc 1400/1p

Single Decker Horses Merry-go-Round after the 18th century fashion. The carousel consists of an hot-dip galvanised rotating structure supported by a central column and covered by hand decorated fibreglass panels on which lighting is fixed. The floor structure is suspended from the ground by tie-bars hanged to the roof and the floor surface consist of clear coated solid hard-wood panels. The driving unit consist of AC self-braking gear-motor mounted to the central column and electronically controlled. All Jumping horses and the rocking chariot are moved by ball bearing mounted crankshafts located on the ceiling. minimum dimensions:Diameter m. 15,3 (50’3”) - Height m. 7,6 (25’) [min. m.6,6 (21’8”)] Maximum capacity:72/78 passengers (Adults / Children) Maximum passengers/hour:1200 passengers/hour (4 min. cycle) Power requirements:Total maximum power 35 kW (30 kW Lighting - 5 kW Motive Power)
CONSORT - ločevanje odpadkov

CONSORT - ločevanje odpadkov

cestini per la raccolta differenziata da esterno in polietilene HDPE colorato e stabilizzato UV. Capacità 100 lt . Dimensioni: Altezza 1075 mm - Larghezza 560 mm
Venture River / Indian River / Pirate River - Atrakcija za zabavo za igrišča, sejme, družinske parke

Venture River / Indian River / Pirate River - Atrakcija za zabavo za igrišča, sejme, družinske parke

Venture River is a water ride of great interest and temptation for children. Its operation is very simple and involves the child turning him into the key player of an adventure on the river while the strong water flow generated by powerful pumps placed in the straight channels carries it along the way. Venture River can be installed in both fairgrounds and fixed amusement parks. It is an original, reliable and guaranteed water attraction that we have been producing for over 25 years. Since Venture River is modular, that is, composed of straight and curved channels, it is possible to create a customized course according to the available space or to a desired shape. Channels are made of fibreglass and equipped with a double bottom so as to avoid any depression over time. Please visit our website for further information.
Avtomatizirana parkirišča - Oprema in sistemi za avtomatizacijo parkirišč

Avtomatizirana parkirišča - Oprema in sistemi za avtomatizacijo parkirišč

La Sacom Sud, installatore autorizzato Came, è specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di parcheggi automatici.Offre le migliori soluzioni per le vostre esigenze di parcheggio automatizzato.


Le aree di parcheggio di SDAG contengono in totale 550 stalli per la sosta dei mezzi pesanti che vengono gestite interamente da personale specializzato. Sono ubicate in punti strategici lungo l’autostrada A34 Villesse-Gorizia che si dirama dall’autostrada A4, in direzione autostrada H4 per la Slovenia che collega direttamente con la A1 per Ljubljana. Tutte le aree sono video sorvegliate 24/7 e sono disponibili diversi servizi volti a rendere più confortevole e sicura la sosta ed il riposo degli autotrasportatori. SERVIZI PER GARANTIRE COMFORT bagni docce wi-fi libero distributori automatici gazebi e ripari dalla pioggia aree verdi per picnic moderna sala relax minimarket snack bar / fast food officina per mezzi pesanti infopoint SERVIZI PER GARANTIRE SICUREZZA aree di parcheggio sicure e protette assistenza in casi di emergenza personale presente 24/7 videosorveglianza recinzioni segnaletica / indicazioni stradali SDAG aderisce ad ESPORG
5002z - parkirišče

5002z - parkirišče

Ferma parcheggio zincato tropical oro, tubo diam 40mm con staffe di fissaggio a terra, con piastra saldata per lucchetto, pieghevole. Dimensioni: lunghezza :4cm larghezza :55 cm altezza : cm 45 peso : 2 kg
Visa avtomobilski dvigala

Visa avtomobilski dvigala

Visa car lifts offer innovative and reliable solutions to optimize parking spaces for both residential and industrial use. Our car lifts are designed to ensure efficiency, safety, and ease of use, perfectly adapting to the needs of our clients. Whether for condominiums, shopping centers, offices, or industrial facilities, our car lifts are built to withstand heavy use and ensure flawless operation over time. Equipped with internal road signage for safe and intuitive parking operations, our car lifts provide a practical and easy-to-use experience. The foot-operated control panels, located on both sides of the cabin, allow users to select the desired floor comfortably while seated in the car. This advanced functionality makes our car lifts versatile and user-friendly for all.
Rešetka za drevesa

Rešetka za drevesa

Tree grate made in galvanized and powder coated steel. Available in various sizes and designs, the possibility of having combined vertical protection. http://ecommerce.flysrl.com/categoria/arredo-urbano/griglia-salvapiante/
Nosilec za kolesa z betonskimi podporniki h19102

Nosilec za kolesa z betonskimi podporniki h19102

Portabiciclette Bifrontale amovibile con elementi laterali in conglomerato cemen - La rastrelliera portabici con supporti in cemento è adatta per tutti quei luoghi dove non è possibile un ancoraggio al suolo. Per consentire di parcheggiare un numero adeguato di biciclette in poco spazio, questo modello essendo bifrontale, consente la sosta da entrambi i lati. Questa rastrelliera è realizzata con una struttura in acciaio zincato composta da due tubi orizzontali su quali sono fissate, ad intervalli regolari, le staffe reggi-ruota a forma triangolare. Per rendere stabile la struttura, questo portabici è dotato di due supporti laterali in conglomerato cementizio con armatura in acciaio e miscelato con graniglia di marmo in vari colori. Ai supporti in cemento a forma triangolare è fissata la rastrelliera mediante viteria in acciaio inox. Per garantire l'adeguata resistenza agli agenti atmosferici esterni, la struttura in acciaio zincata è verniciata a polvere.
Obrezovanje - Specializirano obrezovanje dreves, odstranjevanje nevarnih ali poškodovanih rastlin

Obrezovanje - Specializirano obrezovanje dreves, odstranjevanje nevarnih ali poškodovanih rastlin

Ogni intervento di potatura deve essere condotto in modo professionale da un esperto poiché gli interventi come la cimatura o riduzione squilibrata della chioma può causare gravi danni alla pianta esponendola a problemi fitosanitari e compromettendone la sicurezza. Anche se l'albero sopravvive ad una potatura errata, sarà soggetto ad una ripresa anomala della vegetazione. La possibilità che forti venti provochino la rottura di rami è maggiore e si dovrà necessariamente intervenire periodicamente per evitare gli inevitabili rischi. La migliore potatura di un albero è quella che non si vede.
Parkirna ovira z ključem ali ključavnico - Zaščitite svoje parkirno mesto

Parkirna ovira z ključem ali ključavnico - Zaščitite svoje parkirno mesto

Dispositivi per la tutela del parcheggio per autovettura. Utilizzo su area privata chiusa al pubblico transito. Il progetto PARKY® nasce con l'intento di unire design e alta tecnologia alla tradizionale funzionalità del prodotto. Fulcro di questa evoluzione è l'originale calotta dalle forme arrotondate e gradevoli (modelli comunitari registrati), realizzata con materiali hi-tech molto resistenti. PARKY® è unico e inconfondibile. PARKY® è la soluzione ideale per riservare il posto auto privato, in modo sicuro e resistente. Tutti i modelli PARKY® vengono forniti in cartoni individuali già pronti per l’installazione con il relativo sistema di chiusura (disponibili varie opzioni) e kit fissaggio (disponibili varie opzioni).
Vrteče Platforme - Vrteče površine za razstave

Vrteče Platforme - Vrteče površine za razstave

“Ricordo quella bambolina che girava nella vetrina del negozio in centro, restavo affascinato” In una esposizione, in una mostra o in qualunque manifestazione in cui si vuole dare maggiore risalto a quanto esposto, il movimento rotatorio aggiunge interesse da parte di chi guarda; le nostre pedane rotanti sono appunto pensate per showroom, musei, fiere e manifestazioni pubbliche di vario genere. In altre circostanze una pedana girevole permette di effettuare manovre lì dove gli spazi esistenti sono molto ristretti: pensiamo ai nostri centri storici in cui esistono problematiche di viabilità a causa di vicoli stretti e tortuosi magari in un solo senso di marcia; classico esempio è un vicolo a senso unico con parcheggi laterali che ostacolano le manovre di uscita da un passo carrabile con le autovetture da parte dei residenti.
Klimatizacija tovornjakov - Klimatske naprave za parkirane tovornjake

Klimatizacija tovornjakov - Klimatske naprave za parkirane tovornjake

Bresciaclima Service installa condizionatori su camion e veicoli industriali delle migliori marche: Autoclima, Waeco, Webasto. Il sistema di climatizzazione funziona anche a motore spento del camion, si adatta a qualsiasi tipo di cabina, evita la formazione dell'umidità. Tipologie: con evaporatore all'interno della cabina e condensatore posto all'esterno sul retro, con evaporatore all'interno della cabina e condensatore posto all'esterno sul tetto, con condizionatore monoblocco, installato sulla botola posta sul tetto del veicolo.
BARR 544 - Elektromehanske ovire na 24Vdc primerne za odprtine do 6 metrov in za uporabo v

BARR 544 - Elektromehanske ovire na 24Vdc primerne za odprtine do 6 metrov in za uporabo v

Barriere elettromeccaniche Barriere elettromeccaniche a 24Vdc adatte per varchi fino a 6 metri e per uso intensivo. FACILE DA INSTALLARE Grazie al sistema di ancoraggio regolabile ed alla centralina in posizione rialzata. SILENZIOSO E VELOCE Motoriduttore veloce per aperture in 1,8 sec. e fino a 5 sec. Realizzato esclusivamente con materiali di alta qualità. TECNOLOGICO E SICURO Gestione Master/Slave, sistema semaforico integrato, connessione sicurezze programmabile e tante funzioni speciali. Ruota di trasmissione in acciaio stampato e trattato termicamente. Rilevamento antischiacciamento integrato e regolabile per una maggiore sicurezza come previsto dalla normativa EN 12453. UNA GAMMA COMPLETA E AFFIDABILE Adatta per passaggi fino a 6 metri, con tanti accessori di completamento. Realizzata solo con materiali di alta qualità. Sistema di bilanciamento con molle a compressione realizzate con acciaio speciale a lunga durata.
Katalog 02 - objave brez dostopa

Katalog 02 - objave brez dostopa

Catalogue dedicated to noaccess posts for car parks, pedestrian areas, parks and town squares in cast iron or metal and cast iron.
Benetkarski Karusel Gc 1050/2p

Benetkarski Karusel Gc 1050/2p

Double Decker Horses Merry-go-Round after the 18th century fashion. The carousel consists of an hot-dip galvanised rotating structure supported by a central column and covered by hand decorated fibreglass panels on which lighting is fixed. The two overlapped floors structure is suspended from the ground by tie-bars hanged to the roof and the floor surface consist of clear coated solid hard-wood panels. The second floor is accessible through two staircases. The driving unit consist of AC self-braking gear-motor mounted to the central column and electronically controlled. All Jumping horses and the rocking chariot are moved by ball bearing mounted crankshafts located on the ceiling. minimum dimensions:Diameter m. 11 (36’1”) – Height m.8.6 (28’3”) [Min. m 7,9 (25’11”)] Maximum capacity:70/76 passengers (Adults / Children) Maximum passengers/hour:1050 passengers/hour (4 min. cycle) Maximum Speed:5 RPM (adjustable electronically to lower values by the client) Power requirements:Total maximum power 32 kW (28 kW Lighting - 4 kW Motive Power)
Ravna Vožnja Glasbeni Express Me-12

Ravna Vožnja Glasbeni Express Me-12

The Musik-Express ride consists of a circular development track with depressions and three cat backs. The rail is supported by a steel horse structure, connected to the central body by radial longeron and tie rods. The whole metal structure is hot-dip galvanised. Twelve cars run along the rail and are connected to a central rotor by radial sweeps. The foot-boards approaching the cars consists of an aluminium tread plate. All electric and pneumatic equipment is fitted inside the central body, on which the central rotor is fixed. All decorative panels are coated with aluminium sheet. Electronically operated lighting is composed of cabochons. The covering canvas is made of fireproof material (class 2) and panelling of the cars are fibreglass made. The cars are moved by 3 self-braking AC motors fixed on the ends of the radial sweeps and controlled by Frequency Drive. maximum dimensions:Width m. 10 (32’10”) – Depth m. 10 (32’10”) - High m 3,5 (11’6”) Maximum capacity:36 passengers (Adults/Children) Maximum passengers/hour:720 passengers/hour (3 min. cycle) Power requirements:23 kW (3 kW Led Lighting - 20 kW Motive Power)
Benetkarski Karusel Gc 470/1p

Benetkarski Karusel Gc 470/1p

Single Decker Horses Merry-go-Round after the 18th century fashion. The carousel consists of an hot-dip galvanised rotating structure supported by a central column and covered by hand decorated fibreglass panels on which lighting is fixed. The floor structure is suspended from the ground by tie-bars hanged to the roof and the floor surface consist of clear coated solid hard-wood panels. The driving unit consist of AC self-braking gear-motor mounted to the central column and electronically controlled. All Jumping horses and the rocking chariot are moved by ball bearing mounted crankshafts located on the ceiling. minimum dimensions:Diameter m. 5,5 (18’) - Height m 3,35 (11’) Maximum capacity:19/20 passengers (Adults / Children) Maximum passengers/hour:480 passengers/hour (2,5 min. cycle) Power requirements:Total maximum power 7,5 kW (6 kW Lighting - 1,5 kW Motive Power)
Temna Vožnja za 4 Potnike

Temna Vožnja za 4 Potnike

The dark-ride consist of enclosed pavilion where automatically operated vehicles (multi-passengers) runs along apposite rail across "scaring" scene with animations and sound effects. Each car have a capacity of 4 passengers and is equipped with restraint lap-bars to hold passengers inside vehicles during operation. This Dark-Ride vehicle ìs designed to be operated on a single-level ride with flat surface.The vehicle consist of a painted steel chassis, surrounded by bumper profile, and painted fiberglass body. The driving unit consist of AC gear-motor connected to driving wheels "cllmbing" along the track. The electric motor is controlled by Frequency Drive programmed with pre-set operational speeds. The vehicle is supported by fours swivel castor wheels.
Temna Vožnja 2 Potnika

Temna Vožnja 2 Potnika

The dark-ride consist of enclosed pavilion where automatically operated vehicles (multi-passengers) runs along apposite rail across "scaring" scene with animations and sound effects. Each car have a capacity of 2 passengers and is equipped with restraint lap-bars to hold passengers inside vehicles during operation.This Dark-Ride vehicle is designed to be operated on a multi-level. The vehicle consist of a painted steel chassis, surrounded by bumper profile, and painted fiberglass body. The driving unit consist of DC gear-motor connected to the rear axle's wheels. The vehicle is supported by front trolley and two rear wheels (inflated tyres).
Gugalni Karusel Gs 1100/64

Gugalni Karusel Gs 1100/64

The Swing Carousel consists of a rotating structure rising along a central column and supporting three rows of swinging chairs; 16 double seat chairs are located on the inner row for accommodation of one adult and one child. The whole structure is hot-dip galvanised, with exception of the central column and is covered by hand painted decorative fibreglass panels on which lighting is fixed. The swinging chairs and their supporting chains are made by stainless steel. The covering roof is made up by a flame-retardant canvas. The rotation is made by two self-braking AC motors on top and one AC motor at bottom of central column. All motors are controlled by frequency drives and the whole system is operated by PLCs. Static dimensions (park model):Diameter m. 11 (36’2”) - Height m. 9 (29’7”) Operational dimensions (park model):Diameter m.17 (56’) - Height m.11,8 (38’8”) Static dimensions (trailer mounted):Front m.15,2 (50’) – Side m.12 (39’5”) - Height m.10,2 (33’6”) Operational dimensions (trailer mounted):Front m.18 (59’) - Side m.17 (56’) - Height m.12,8 (42’) Maximum capacity:48+16 passengers (Adults + Children) Maximum passengers/hour:960 passengers/hour (4 min. cycle) Power requirements:46 kW (16 kW Led Lighting - 30 kW Motive Power)
Benetkarski Karusel Gc 800/1p

Benetkarski Karusel Gc 800/1p

Single Decker Horses Merry-go-Round after the 18th century fashion. The carousel consists of an hot-dip galvanised rotating structure supported by a central column and covered by hand decorated fibreglass panels on which lighting is fixed. The floor structure is suspended from the ground by tie-bars hanged to the roof and the floor surface consist of clear coated solid hard-wood panels. The driving unit consist of AC self-braking gear-motor mounted to the central column and electronically controlled. All Jumping horses and the rocking chariot are moved by ball bearing mounted crankshafts located on the ceiling. minimum dimensions:Diameter m. 8,5 (27’11”) - Height m 6,6 (21’8”) Maximum capacity:35/37 passengers (Adults / Children) Maximum passengers/hour:700 passengers/hour (3 min. cycle) Power requirements:Total maximum power 5 kW (2,5 kW Led Lighting - 2,5 kW Motive Power)
Avto za progo

Avto za progo

The track-ride consist of open pavilion where automatically operated vehicles (multi-passengers) runs along apposite rail. Each car have a capacity of 2 or 4 passengers.These vehicles is designed to be operated on a multi-level ride. The vehicle consist of a painted steel chassis. The driving unit consist of DC gear-motor connected to the rear axle's wheels.
Ravna Vožnja Galleon Race Gr-12

Ravna Vožnja Galleon Race Gr-12

The Galleon Race ride consist of a circular development track with depressions and two “cat’s back”. The rail is supported by a steel horse structure, connected to the central body by radial longeron and tie rods. The whole metal structure is hot-dip galvanised. Twelve cars run along the rail, connected to a central rotor by radial arms (sweeps). The foot-boards approaching the cars consists of an aluminium tread plate. All electric and pneumatic equipment is fitted inside the central body, on which the central rotor is fixed. The ride moves by means of 1 self-braking A.C. gear-motor fixed to the central rotor and controlled by Frequency Drive. maximum dimensions:Width m. 11,2 (36’9”) – Depth m. 12,3 (40’4”) - High m 3,2 (10’6”) Maximum capacity:24/36 passengers (Adults/Children) Maximum passengers/hour:480 passengers/hour (3 min. cycle) Power requirements:27 kW (2 kW Led Lighting - 25 kW Motive Power)
Avtomatski Stebri - Zložljivi Stebri za Pešce in Parkirne Prostore

Avtomatski Stebri - Zložljivi Stebri za Pešce in Parkirne Prostore

La Sacom Sud è specializzata nella progettazione e installazione di dissuasori stradali automatici.I dissuasori stradali retrattili sono elementi d'arredo urbano utili e talvolta indispensabili, nei casi in cui sia necessario impedire la sosta di veicoli, proteggere pedoni e ciclisti, preservare parcheggi o delimitare spazi e aree.
Barijere za avtomatizirana parkirišča - Elektromehanske barijere za avtomatska parkirišča

Barijere za avtomatizirana parkirišča - Elektromehanske barijere za avtomatska parkirišča

La Sacom Sud, installatore autorizzato Came, realizza parcheggi automatici e propone un'ampia gamma di attrezzature per l'automazione dei parcheggi capaci di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza.
Art 5301 v - košara

Art 5301 v - košara

Cestino verniciato per arredo urbano in acciaio, completo di staffa, palo e cestino, con viterie, tappo in pvc nero, da inghisare a terra. Dimensioni: lunghezza :26cm larghezza :35 cm altezza : cm 120 peso : 8kg
Paviljon / Platforma Bumper Cars

Paviljon / Platforma Bumper Cars

The Bumper-car pavilion consist of a delimited steel platform and a roof structure where electrically operated vehicles are individually operated by the passengers. Each car have a capacity of 2 passengers and is equipped with inflated rubber bumper ali around the perimeter. The power is supplied to the car through the steel pavement and an apposite ceiling steel net fixed to the roof structure (traditional power pick-up).The driving surface is delimited along the perimeter by a steel bumper structure and aluminium approaching footboard. Enclosure railing is also available. The whole structure id hot-dip galvanised and the foot-board is made out of aluminium anti-skid plate. The covering roof is made up by a fireproof canvas.
Bumper Cars za Odrasle - New York

Bumper Cars za Odrasle - New York

Bertazzon's bumper-cars, have been designed to be operated on apposite steel pavement track surrounded by enclosure bumper profile. AII cars are equipped with inflated rubber bumper all around the perimeter, specially designed to reduce the impact between vehicles and with the guard. These vehicles have a capacity of two passengers each and are equipped with fixed restraint belts. The driving unit consist of Bertazzon house-made patented clutch-less DC motor operating at variable voltage of 60-11O Volt. Low voltage motor is also available for "Floor power pick-up" installations. Sitting places:2 Passenger Engine :DC Electric Motor 60-110V (25-50V Floor pick-up) Driving power:0,8 kW Lighting:0,3 kW Token capacity:15 N (3,3 Lbs) Tyre Pressure:1,8 bar Total weight:2,2 kN (480 Lbs) Empty
Go Kart GK-160

Go Kart GK-160

Go-karts are among the best-suited entertainment for young people, men and women, who like competing while driving single-seat vehicles without any special driving skills. The vehicles produced by Bertazzon were designed to be easy to operate, both on fixed tracks (concrete or asphalt) and mobile ones. These vehicles are equipped with a perimetral inflated rubber bumper, specially designed to reduce the impact between vehicles and with the guard-rail. Available both on "Bare body" version and with fibreglass body (Sport, Buggy, ...). Sitting places:1 Passenger (driver) Engine :4 Stroke (Honda) Driving power:4 kW (5.5 Hp) Fuel capacity:3,6 I Tyres:4.10 / 3.50 x 5 Brake:Disk (mechanical control) Speed:30 Km/h (18 mph) Total weight:1,6 kN (360 Lbs) Empty